Election post


Having been first-year rep of the committee this year, I am certain that vice president is a role and responsibility I would like to take on next year, as I would like to get more involved with the day to day running of the society. 

I am a good candidate for this role as I am familiar with how the committee works and what each member does. Being first-year rep has also helped me develop skills and quality needed as a good committee member, such as time management and teamwork, which proved to be important when helping with society events and projects. By working with people from different committees, I also improved my communication skills and patience. 

As vice president, I will commit fully to my duties to ensure the smooth running of the society and to support other committee members. From my experience, I learned that staying organised and communicating well are the top priorities when executing this role, so I will make sure to always practise them. I hope to make the society run as well as possible so that we can deliver a fun and helpful experience for you guys and for committee, and to make your membership fee worth it. I look forward to this role and getting to know everyone in the society! :)

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