Election post


Hey everyone, my name is Cal and I’m running to be your Social Secretary!


As a fresher, I understand the importance of creating a welcoming environment for veterans and newcomers in the MT society. Having been in both a small show, Lift, and a Blooms show, The Producers, I know that it can be difficult to connect with people beyond your cast-mates. This makes it particularly challenging for people who haven’t gotten cast in a show to feel included. As social secretary, I want to host more socials so every member of MT society, whether they participate in shows or simply love theatre, can mingle and form a community. These socials would include open mic/karaoke nights, pub socials, picnics, watch parties, and any other ideas brought forward by society members (I love getting input)!


Another important aspect of being the social secretary is organizing MT society’s trips to West End shows. Given my experience working in professional environments, such as law firms and the San Francisco City Government, as well as planning a 300+ person Model UN conference in high school, I am confident that I have the necessary organisation and communication skills to secure partnerships with theatres. 


I hope you trust me to make MT society super fun and welcoming next year! 


Thank you,

Cal <3


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