Election post


Musical theatre society has been a big part of university life for me. It has been a consistant outlet for my (stressful) degree. My favourite memories have been choir and participating in galas.

As someone who has always been quite shy and afraid to put myself out there and get involved, the galas and smaller events such as open mics have been a great way to open myself up to new opportunities.

I want to keep ensuring there is a number of well organised events available throughout the year that cater towards all abilities (whether you have been doing MT since you could walk or want to challenge yourself to try something completely new). It is important to me that everyone feels welcome and included and to encourage participation as much as possible.

I would love to find ways to integrate more non-auditioned/anyone who auditions can participate events into the society including continuing on with galas, open mics and more 24 hour musicals. I also wish to encourage more instrumentalists to participate in our events. As events co-ordinator I am interested in exploring ways the society could explore community outreach events, such as performing for charities and local events outside of the university. This would help us to broaden our horizens beyond UCL. 

I hope you will consider voting for me to be your events coordinator. In this role I aim to encourage people to open up to new opportunities within the society, the way that I have been able to. 

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