Election post


Hi! For those who haven't met me I'm Wilf, a first year studying Archaeology and a tenor in the Symphony Chorus, UCOpera Chorus and Chamber Choir.

My key aim is to ensure that Symphony Chorus remains a welcoming, friendly group with the chance to sing some amazing music together. I want to continue to foster this sense of community (not least in the many pub socials ). I am always willing to answer any questions:)!.

I have loved my first year in UCL Music society and especially singing in Chorus which has been so friendly and welcoming. Much of my previous singing experience has been with much older age groups and it has been such a pleasure singing with people my own age. 

I'm currently interim manager of the UCOpera Chorus alongside Saskia, this has given me valuable insight into the responsibilities of the role and will allow me to fulfill them to the best of my ability. I admire the hard work and dedication of the current committee members and I am committed to working hard for Symphony Chorus to continue this work building the community and making amazing music together.

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