Election post


Hello! I'm Genevieve, a soprano in the Symphony Chorus and the UCOpera Chorus and I'm in my first year studying English and German.

I've found Symphony Chorus to be a fantastic experience, meeting people and making music. I've also admired the constant effort within Music Society that makes every concert so enjoyable and I am keen to contribute further by running for this position on the committee. 

As Symphony Chorus manager, I want to make every person welcome, creating a supportive, friendly environment in which anyone can enjoy singing. That everyone feels able to come and take part is incredibly important to me, as the chorus offers so many opportunities for involvement with music, making new friends and finding a place in the university. 

Having been in choirs for many years, I am aware of the commitment required to create a functioning, pleasant community. I have also seen the work put in by the current managers Saskia and Thérésa and have a good understanding of the demands of the role. Being organised and dedicated, I am determined to contribute the skills required and look forward to the challenge of managing rehearsals and concerts and coordinating with the Symphony Orchestra.

And, of course, ensuring that post-rehearsal pub socials remain a great opportunity to get to know fellow chorus members is essential - it is my priority that chorus continues to be an open, friendly space, where we can enjoy music together. Please come and chat to me if you have questions!


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