Election post



Bit of background. Before joining RUMS music I was a little nervous, as I was unsure whether I would fit in. However, I quickly realised what a lovely bunch of people you all are! As community outreach officer I would want to promote our society to the wider community and spread our music happiness. 

I believe all music should be completely inclusive and accessible. So how do I propose we do this?

• Celebrating diversity of music. For example, during various cultural/religious holiday periods we can perform music in-tune with those festivities, helping us to appreciate and celebrate each other. 

• Collaboration (both in university and out). For example, reaching out to local schools promoting UCLMS through music and health workshops. 

• UCLH volunteering, to bring healing onto the wards through music. This could be through recitals or actively getting patients and staff involved in music workshops. 

• Fundraising for charities of our choice. This year we are raising money for Spectrum in the Spring Concert. This could either be continued into the next year or an alternative found, depending on majority votes. We can raise money through karaoke events, music auctions/competitions, opening events to all music lovers. 

This list is not exhaustive, and I am all ears to any suggestions and collaborations. I aim to make RUMS music as inclusive, fun and engaging as we can possibly make it. Vote for me :)

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