Election post


My second year at music society is already coming to an end and I was delighted to be part of the committee as Symphony Chorus Manager.

The past two years spent here have made me grow so much both artistically and socially. Being part of the committee has given me a clear idea of the quality and high expectations of the work that goes behind the scenes to create sumptuous concerts and an opera each year, but also regular social events organised to integrate each member and create a big music family. It has also enhanced my communication and organisational skills in order to answer each chorus member’s questions and being prepare for each rehearsals.

I have also learned the fast paced rhythm at which decisions and actions have to operate, such as in the organisation of rehearsals, finding music scores and concert venues but also all the social media work that goes behind creating all these wonderful events. This would be very useful as a publicity officer since it requires using creativity, one of my strengths as an Arts student, at a fast pace in order to promote events and concerts whenever needed.

I truly believe that the image of music society can spread much more through social media and advertising the events that are regularly organised throughout the year. For this reason, I would like to become a publicity officer, to promote all the incredible initiatives taken within the society.

Lastly, I would like to try new ways of communication for the society, such as finally creating a TikTok account or doing Instagram

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