Election post


Hello there! I’m Daniel, a third-year Natural Sciences student and clarinettist, and I would be delighted to be your next Concert Band Manager! Having been part of this extraordinary ensemble for my entire university life so far, I’ve witnessed its evolution over the years: from the days of percussion-less rehearsals and barely any clarinets to the healthy sections of today. I’ve participated in a number of wind bands and quartets at varying levels before - experience which should come in useful here - but playing with Concert Band has been a particular blessing! If elected, I hope I can help the band to continue flourishing! 

Considering how brilliant it’s been meeting such a range of people from across UCL, I’d love to continue developing the social side of Concert Band beyond the classic post-rehearsal pub sessions, like having regular dinner outings, especially for those less inclined towards drinking pints (whether of beer, tap water or otherwise).

Aiming high, I propose we try and hold a concert in the Bloomsbury Theatre, as we had in ages past, to showcase all our talent and hard work. To enhance our collective sound, I also propose that we make efforts to recruit more brass players, because who doesn’t love a full brass section. I believe we can be ambitious and still very much be a fun and welcoming ensemble for musicians of any level!

Ultimately, it would be thrilling to serve you all as Concert Band Manager next year and play some legendary music together! Hoi!


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