Election post


For those of you who might not know yet, there's nothing like training and sparring with someone and then going out and having a good time next to that same person again. That's one of the reasons why I love being in this society, or should I say, family. I know it sounds very corny but it is true, and I would not have gotten the chance to meet so many amazing people if it wasn't for the social events I've attended. I would feel very selfish if I kept that to myself, that's why I am running for this position, so the Muay Thai family keeps growing and we can all laugh, cry, sweat, and have a good time together, in some of the epic and legendary social events that I would like to bring to this society. 

I would also like to leave a quote that reminds me of my experience and the people at UCL MT:

 "I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you’ve actually left them."

Andy BernardThe Office