Election post


Hi! My name is Lumi and I'm going into my 3rd year studying history and philosophy of Science.

As head of volunteering for MODO last year, I had so much fun getting involved in socials and helping behind the scenes for partnerships. I would love to be more involved next year, and responsibilities for MODO next year. 

Being part of committee this year has helped me understand what levels of commitment are needed for this role, I know I would be able to fulfil this to ensure MODO runs just as well next year. 

As vice president, I would make sure that every voice is heard. I would be open to organise socials based around your interests! This year model workshops were very popular, and I’d love to push this further. I have experience in PR, published work in magazines such as Cosmopolitan and been signed to beauty agencies. I would love to be able to connect MODO to the industry too!

thank you so much for reading, Lumi :) 


Preferred pronouns
She / her