Election post


Hey, I’m Ava, current Head of Design and Sewing at MODO and former Sewing Specialist.

Over the last two years, I’ve worked on both the creative and logistical sides of MODO, leading multiple workshops including jewellery-making, pattern-cutting and sewing as well as playing a leading role in the production of the annual fashion show. My work across various areas of the society, as well as my skills and experience, make me an ideal candidate to be your President. 

I have studied textiles and art for five years and have previously worked at a Danish textile company where I gained a deeper understanding of the textile industry. I currently volunteer at ArtUk, a charity aiming to expand the creative sector across the UK. I want to transfer this ethos to MODO, by making the society more inclusive and collaborative. If elected, my key objectives include: 

  • Enabling idea pitches for future activities and workshops to broaden the creative control of MODO members, allowing you to share your skills and learn from others
  • Collaborating with other UCL creative societies to expand skills opportunities for MODO members
  • Enhance event accessibility by catering to a broader student audience ensuring that cost is not a barrier to participation 

MODO has been my creative outlet at UCL and I have benefitted so much from my experiences within the society. My goal is to share these experiences with as many people as possible, in an environment where everyone can contribute and feel included.

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