Election post


Hello everyone,

My name is Owais, and I am excited to nominate myself for the position of Respiratory Society Chair and am eager to share my love and interest for this specialty. I have a number of plans that I would like enact during my tenure as chair, in pursuit of this ambition:

1. Online Lecture Series:

· Engaging experts for a series on vital respiratory medicine topics.

· The future of Respiratory medicine and challenges of climate change and air pollution.

· Innovation in ventilation devices and future application of existing technologies.


2. Practical Tutorials:

· For example "Reading Chest X-Rays Masterclass" which would be extremely beneficial for clinical students

· Curriculum based tutorials to reinforce concepts learnt in preclinical years.


3. Annual Conference:

· Keynote speakers from specialist areas within the field of respiratory medicine.

· Allowing students the chance to showcase their research via abstract presentations enabling students to build a professional portfolio.


4. Research Pathway Guidance:

· Sharing my journey being involved in things ranging from systematic reviews to large multi-centre trials and highlighting key research skills.


I hope this sounds exciting, as it is definitely something I am passionate about. I hope that if given this opportunity, I would convince you to consider Respiratory Medicine as a potential career option in your professional futures.