Election post


Hi everyone, I'm Zainab, 3rd year medic and the current (23-24) MedSoc Pathology Chair. I've really loved being in this role and I guess I'm not quite yet ready to give it up!

This year I've set up a 'Careers in Pathology' Webinar series in collaboration with the Royal College of Pathologists and the UoM PathSoc. My sub-committee and I have also organised a trip to the Gordon Museum (in collaboration with ICSM Pathology), histology tutorials and charity events including a Quiz Night for Maggie's Royal Free Centre. I would like to stay Chair for another year to help make sure these events aren't just one-off's but become part of the UCL MedSoc Path annual calendar. We will of course continue with the Pathology Summer Journal Club I set up in Summer 2022.

There's also so much more (new events, hospital shadowing, and more national collaborations) I want to do next year. I've already started planning some of these things with other UK Uni Pathology Chairs and the National PathSoc Undergraduate Committee - to action this summer and next academic year - so it would be rather inconvenient if you didn't vote for me.

Don't vote me out please, thanks x

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