Election post


Hi everyone!

Neurology for me is at the heart of all medical disciplines, and I’m excited to be running for neurology chair! My journey through academia, from a neuroimaging SSC to an iBSc in Clinical Neurology at Queen Square, has deepened my appreciation for the neurological subspecialties. My leadership in the Neurology Society core committee and events team over the last two years has given me the foundation, experience and insight to drive its success.


My core aims for the year include:

  • Opportunities - CV workshops, research partnerships, mentorship, shadowing and competitions are just scratching the surface of my plans for engagement with ongoing neurology research!
  • Events – amplifying current momentum, I am committed to maintaining regular tutorials and educational talks. I will diversify the society’s social portfolio, through collaborations with societies within and around UCL!
  • Revamp of the Brain Symposium! – This will facilitate discussions, clinical skills, interactive workshops and networking events, shining a light on the interdisciplinary nature of neurological research!

Above all, I expect society activities to be as dynamic as the ever-changing medical field so am always open to hearing how neurology can be more accessible to students, and what you want to get out of events!

I truly believe that my experiences and leadership positions so far have prepared me to take on the role of Neurology chair, and I hope that my passion for the field shines through!

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