Election post


After getting involved in the backstage team for MNight 2024, I realised how much I loved working on it and being able to meet the wonderful people on the MNight team. I wanted to contribute even more to the show, and being producer for next year’s MNight would let me do exactly that. 

My aim for MNight 2025 would be to maintain UCL MSoc’s reputation of having the best MNight. To do this, socials and potlucks will be held to build chemistry in the various departments for a smoother show. I would also like to promote MNight more towards non-Malaysians to share our talent and culture, via platforms such as Pi Media and the UCLU newsletter. 

Having done some other shows as a member of UCL Stage Crew, I have a more convenient point of contact to organise MNight on the technical side with Bloomsbury Theatre and Stage Crew, and I have a better understanding of the feasibility and logistics for the show. I have also organised other large-scale events such as a school-wide games carnival and worked on marketing for my school’s 12 Hour Run in 2022.

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