Election post


After another successful year with Malayali society, we must bid farewell to many of our fantastic committee members as they prepare to graduate. While this marks an exciting new era for our community, it is highly important that those who remain have the skills and experience necessary to help the new committee members and the society flourish. Having spent one year as a committed first year rep and the next as an even more committed co-vice president, I have a keen understanding of the work that is required to plan and run events. I can seamlessly shift between a supplementary, supportive role to the president and a more active leadership role should they find themselves occupied, ensuring that there will at no point be a lack of direction felt by the rest of the committee. I have also had the privilege of forming several close relationships with Malayalis and non-Malayalis not only within UCL, but across the London universities, which will be useful to attracting general engagement in our events as well as facilitating collaborations with other Malayali societies’ committees.

I joined this society with the intention of forming a closer connection to my culture. Having done so over the past two years, I am eager to spend my final year giving back to this family and laying the foundations for its future success.

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