Election post


Hi everyone, my name is Zoe, the current houseband director and a passionate pianist who has been in LM for the last two years. As the houseband director and a Rhapsody MD, I have gained excellent directing skills and experiences in society management (I once directed 20+ hours rehearsal for 4 different bands in a week). I have really enjoyed the process, so I would like to dedicate more to LM and bring the beauty of music to everyone.


I believe I will be a good president because

1) I am very familiar with the committee operation

2) I stay very organised (plan events 4 weeks in advance) and responsible as HB director

3) I aim to keep this society as friendly and welcoming as possible


Here are the areas of improvements that I will make:

  • Activities
    • Hold more jams and socials to bond members closer and come up with more interesting events 
    • Strengthen "LM Family": larger scale and more regular events (Battles of Families and Monthly Gathering)
    • Increase the collaboration with other societies (like VOCE and Taylor Swift Soc) and having events during BHM and LGBTQ Month 
    • More social media interactions (e.g. UCL version “What Are You Listening To”, musicians online collaboration)
    • Release feedback form and hold more small shows


  • Use of the soundproof room
    • Multiple technical incidents occurred in SPR this year and this has led to inconvenience for members
    • I will make sure to maintain it better and renew some old equipments (keyboard, drum
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