Election post


Hi, I’m Tricia and I hope to be your next social secretary! I want to work in a team to connect people interested in the life sciences, building a supportive community. If you want more fun-filled socials, guaranteeing a good time, put in your vote for me! I love getting involved and will work towards their success.

Mendel had the dedication to grow pea plants, but I have the passion to make student life more enjoyable with socials to look forward to amidst the hustle of the academic year. I will put my strong organizational skills to use, planning events you want alongside collaborations with other societies.

I will work towards forming support network for members as I found it incredibly helpful to receive advice, and simply reassurance, from others who’ve trekked this path. Also, let’s be real, it’s nice to meet people with similar interests and goals.

Moreover, I believe that good leadership starts with knowing your audience (you!). Listening to your feedback and seeing enjoyment during events are my goals, and I hope to be in a position to do so. Want to meet people with similar aspirations? I’ll do my best to form communities, matching seniors with juniors across the life sciences. Want to know new people across the sciences? I’ll host events in collaboration with the relevant societies.

I love meeting new people with similar interests, and I’m excited for us to explore the life sciences together! Feel free to contact me if you want to know more, I don’t bite I promise :-)

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