Election post


Hello, I’m Adam and I’m Mathematics and Modern Languages student !

The Lebanese society has been a pillar in my life as a UCL student these past two years. From my time as a first year representative and as vice-president, this experience has taught me so much about teamwork and managing a society. As such, having had extensive experience as a member in the committee, I am equipped with the necessary skills to offer each member a positive and unforgettable experience. 

I hope to continue my stint in the society as President to offer fellow Lebanese the chance to forge long-term friendships. This society has allowed Lebanese expats like myself to reconnect with my roots, whilst also providing a safe space for those having grown up in Lebanon. This is something I will strive to maintain as President as it forms the essence of our society. 

Thank you for considering my candidacy. I look forward to the opportunity to serve our Lebanese society and work together towards a brighter and vibrant future !!