Election post


I am standing for the position of First Year Representative as I believe in equal opportunity for everyone aspiring for a legal career. With my deep compassion and strong commitment to effective communication - I am assured I can fulfil this role with utmost competence. 

As a first-year student, I was introduced to a wide array of opportunities through this society, and feel it is vital to continue this. As someone, from a non-law background, I am now conscious of the different routes into a legal career; and believe it is crucial to understand how. 

With my legal work experience, at leading firms, such as HSF and Macfarlanes - I have built a network so I am able to create opportunities for others. Furthermore, I am skilled at communication as I have a background of working in schools, which requires me to communicate effectively. I am uniquely positioned to engage and promote relevant opportunities for first year students, by harnessing my skills and making use of my legal experience.

If elected, I will prioritise initiatives that specifically cater to first-year students. I will plan to organise informative meetings and networking events, to provide a deeper understanding of legal careers. I am committed to ensuing that every first-year feels supported and empowered to excel, as I also promise to hear everyone's questions and concerns, to further develop the functioning of the Law for All society.

Thank you for your consideration of me as First Year Rep.


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