Election post


Hi everyone! I am Dhruv, a first-year History student.

As I am sure many of you are aware, getting opportunities within the legal sector, especially from a non-law background can be very challenging. I want to help relieve some of this anxiety by providing you with sufficient experience within the sector which will help bolster your CV and put you in good stead for the future.

If I am elected, I hope to achieve the following:

  • Expand the variety of engagements with law firms. While LfA presently hosts diverse events like the HSF dinner, there is potential to enhance offerings by reaching out to smaller firms for additional events.
  • Introduce mooting sessions as this can increase advocacy skills and provide a talking point at interviews – during sixth form I was president of the Mooting Society hence have skills I could offer the rest of the society.
  • Personalised support to members:
    • CV and application workshops
    • Watson Glaser test preparation
  • Network sessions with other universities
  • Greater interaction with law society
  • I would organise social events for the society such as pizza and movie nights

LfA society has the opportunity to provide you with the best experiences within the sector to ensure you are ahead of your competition from other universities. I want to ensure we maximise the potential of this society and the UCL brand. I would really appreciate your vote! Thank you