Election post


Hello! I am excited to nominate myself for the role of treasurer of the Korean Cultural Society.

While I am new to university life and the field of finance, my passion for organisation and past experience using Excel to coordinate events during high school have equipped me with valuable skills that I believe are transferable to this role.

Throughout my high school years, I served as a leader of the Tech Crew, overseeing all stage-related events, for a span of three years. My responsibilities included producing financial documents for equipment purchases and coordinating ticket sales for productions. By employing Excel, I efficiently organised these tasks, improving my skills in budgeting, expense tracking, and maintaining financial records. This practical experience has not only enhanced my abilities but also reinforced my dedication to ensuring financial processes run smoothly.

I am eager to apply my enthusiasm and hands-on skills to ensure the responsible handling of our society's finances. Furthermore, I am dedicated to fostering transparency and accountability in our society. 

Thank you for considering me for this position.