Election post


If elected, I would help to maintain the high standard of articles and podcasts and help to raise funds for more socials. To increase funding, I will search for new sponsorship opportunities, which will help to grow this society and allow for greater academic opportunities in the future. Due to my experience of dealing with finances for my mother’s business, I understand the importance of maintaining accounts and budgets, which has helped me become an organised person, which is vital for the role of Treasurer. Furthermore, I have experience communicating my peers' views to academic staff to improve the course as a Student Academic representative, so this can help me as a treasurer reporting to the student union so that all events are approved and run according to regulations. Working with others on the committee will also allow me to develop my leadership skills as a treasurer. I would also like to become more involved in this society as I am interested in putting my knowledge from my degree (Biological Sciences) to real life applications through improving my scientific writing. Thank you for reading my manifesto and feel free to get in contact with me to ask any questions about my ideas by contacting me at [email protected]