Election post


Hello, I'm Yasmin. Having been Creative Director for Kinesis this year, I have had a lot of fun in helping make Issue 12 come to life, whether it was illustrating the front cover and articles, designing the spreads or helping other artists, and I would love to continue doing so in my final year.

As a passionate advocate for creativity, with a strong background in life sciences, I am excited about maintaining a thriving community for both scientists and creatives. Through the experience that I gained from this year as Creative Director, to being involved in art and graphic design in other societies, or my part-time jobs, I believe I have developed strength in time management, creative decision-making and leadership that would aid me for another year of Kinesis.

I deeply admire what Kinesis Magazine does in allowing students to explore their interests in a meaningful context outside of their own studies, and I think it would be wonderful  to utilise my interdisciplinary and strong interpersonal skills in both the sciences and arts to facilitate this!

With your vote and support, I am confident that I will continue being a successful Creative Director in creating visually appealing magazines, and helping the committee in growing the community. Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to working with you all again! 



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