Election post


I am Helen Wu, a second-year BSc Biomedical Science student. I have been a follower of the Kinesis magazine society since my undergraduate foundation year at UCL, and I really enjoy reading interesting and wonderful articles from our writers. Last year I attempted to write articles for our society, and I was one of the editors of the Kinesis magazine issue 12. I am confident to be a good editor not only from my grades of courses and through years of practice, but also as a creative thinker, always trying to potentiate new findings in science. Being the head of the journal club of the Genetics Society last year, I applied my communication and time-management skills through reaching +30 experts within and outside UCL and holding journal clubs about twice a month. More importantly, I have a great passion for accessible science communication, hoping to allow more people - even outside academia - to be attracted by the wonderful ingenuity and novelty of scientific research. As I'm also a research enthusiast, I would like to share my enjoyment with others through science communication as well! Being a copy/managing editor allows me to immerse in the process of this appreciation.

To fulfil my role as a copy/managing editor, I shall:

  • Communicate actively with our writers, make Excel/Google Sheets for planning, and meet the editing deadlines.
  • Cooperate with other committee members, sharing my ideas and expertise in science communication and contributing to the good quality of articles.
  • Participate in every writing workshop,