Election post


Hello everyone! I’m Berra, and as some of you may probably know, I am the current treasurer of the UCL Kickboxing Club this year (2023/24). This year, I wanted to run again because I think I have the experience and skills needed to grow the club even more and be a good fit for the position.

I've been heavily involved in organising training sessions, social events, and club finances for the past year, so I have a lot of expertise with how the club runs. I've gained a lot of insight into how to make sure the club operates smoothly and gives each member the greatest experience possible, and I intend to keep contributing this year.

I have contributed to double the funds of the club, without raising the membership or session fees, meanwhile increasing the number of free socials. This will also allow us to organise even more events in the upcoming year. We have also introduced a new ticketing system, with the addition of term passes, which made the tracking so much smoother for both the members and the committee.

I believe this accomplishment stems from our committee's excellent communication (both within and with our members), especially with the strategic decisions that the current president and I made together. It was a great pleasure to be elected as this lovely club's treasurer this year, and I am excited to continue in same role the following year.