Election post


Hi I'm Ekaterina and I am very excited to be nominating myself as president again! I believe my experience as the current president of Kickboxing Club this year has given me the skills and knowledge to successfully lead a club and provide the best possible experience to our members.

Together with the kickboxing committee we organised several successful socials including collaborative socials with running and yoga soc to give our club members the opportunity to interact with each other while trying out different sport activities. Moreover, throughout this academic year I was involved in every aspect of running the club from communicating with the SU, setting up class tickets, and running social events which is why I believe I have the expertise and knowledge to lead the kickboxing club next year. If elected president next year, I promise to ensure the best possible experience for our members and to create an inclusive community where everyone feels like a part of the club. 

It has been a great experience acting as the president of this amazing society which is why I would like to continue my role for the next academic year :)