Election post


I am applying for the UCL treasurer position as i believe i can positively impact the Kazakh community within UCL by aiding the governance of the Kazakh society when organising events. I am also applying for this position as i believe it will allow me to develop my communication skills and act as a stepping stone to pursue my career asset management. I also believe that my interest in the financial world will allow me to pursue this position with interest to both myself and the management team of the Kazakh society. I also believe i am fit for this role because i perform well under pressure and i also believe that my soft skills are developed enough to meet the standards that this role demands. I have had experience in MUN and i co organised an economic olympiad that gained over 400 participants when i was still in school. Obtaining this role will be the start of my career path as i go through university as a proud member of the Kazakh society 

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