Election post


Having been a member for the past year, I have appreciated the wide range of events going on allowing me to pursue what has been a great interest of mine for a long time - karting - due to the increased affordability and frequency of events compared to what I would be able to do without it. The well-run karting events, along with the free Formula One viewing socials which allowed me to interact with others across year groups and courses, really helped me settle into a welcoming community for my first year at university.

I am standing for Events Executive because I want to keep the society as welcoming and accessible as I found it when I joined. Working with the other committee members, I plan to organize at least two karting events per month - one of which at a more affordable venue - along with multiple free socials per term, allowing as many people to take part and get involved in this great and welcoming society in an affordable manner as possible.

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