Election post


Hi! I'm a first-year Information Management for Business student from Malaysia and am an active member of the K-pop society - you've probably seen me around especially in the dance classes :P I love Ateez, Enhypen, NCT, &TEAM and ONEUS too! I've really enjoyed the past events organised by the current committee and want to make sure that next year's events will be as good, or even better to give back to this society! (i absolutely love it here ;)) I have some ideas up my sleeve that I'd love to make happen next year and I'm sure you all will enjoy it (telephone dance game, more variety show game nights and dance charades maybe?) <3!

In the past, I used to organise school-wide events associated with the arts and was the head of the arts group (both dance, music and visual) in college, so I think that I'd be great at this role too! I've had experience in dance for about 15-16 years now so expect a lot of dance-related events ;3

Please vote for me! (I'll give everyone snacks if I get it.. huhu)


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