Election post


Hi everyone!! I'm Kyle, a year 2 geography student and a member of K-Pop soc for two years now.

As someone who's been dancing K-pop on the stage for nearly five years, I am highly familiar with the feeling of wanting to perform for an audience and the rush that comes with it. By running for dance captain I intend on making the entire performance process smooth and enjoyable as possible for everyone, from beginners to seasoned dancers, leaders and fellow committee members. Moreover, I would like to elevate the already high standard of the society’s showcases to make them even better than they have been. Through this role I hope to let the society’s members have a great experience taking part in the performing on the stage.

With my participation in the society's comps teams and showcases both as a leader and dancer in BG and GG pieces, I can use my firsthand experience to improve the many areas of performances and make UCL K-Pop Society one of UCL’s best arts societies. 

Thank you for your support!!

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