Election post


As your JSOC president, I will strive to foster a sense of unity and belonging within our community. Tikkun Olam, repairing the world, is at the heart of our Jewish values. I represented the UCL Jewish community in meetings about antisemitism in the House of Lords and spoke about our experiences on campus. I will advocate for more social justice initiatives that address pressing issues such as combating antisemitism, promoting equality and supporting marginalised communities. I volunteered in Israel for communities the most affected by Hamas and learnt about how we can celebrate being Jewish in times of hardship. The current situation on campus making Jews feel uncomfortable or unsafe can not be allowed to continue and should not become normalised. Our strength lies in our connections, both within our community and with others. I will work to strengthen our relationships with other student organizations, religious groups, and the wider community. By fostering meaningful connections and collaboration, we will amplify our impact and create a more interconnected and inclusive society. I believe in the power of inclusivity, where everyone's voice is heard, valued and respected. Through organising events, discussions and collaborations, I know we will strengthen the bonds that unite us as a thriving and diverse Jewish community.