Election post


Hi everyone, I am Shunta! I am a first-year student from Tokyo. 

I'm running for Treasurer because I'm passionate about providing an experience with outstanding quality to everyone interested in Japan by organising funds. The experience at Japan Society has been amazing, and I am delighted to be part of this community. Not just unique events organised by the committee fascinate me. But building strong relationships with people who share the same interests regardless of their backgrounds is the best part. It is definitely one of the most important communities for me, and it feels like home to me.

So, I would love to dedicate myself to passing this significant culture within the community to the next generation and even pushing this community to the next stage. 

To achieve my goal (making Japan society the best society at UCL), I would: 

  • Organise a Japan Society dinner for every member from funds
  • Spend more money on cultural events allowing socialising between Japanese and non-Japanese members
  • Make the funds' information open to every community member 
  • Have more discounts 
  • Organise big events with Japan societies from other London universities (sports competitions, music festivals, etc) 

My plans for the next year are not limited to these, and I am open to any suggestions from members.

I believe that I can make a huge impact on Japan society and promise to offer you a memorable time. So, please vote for me! 

みんなで楽しく最高なコミュニティを一緒に作っていこう!! よろしく!!