Election post


Hi everyone! I am Yukino from Osaka. I am nominating myself to become your events director. I love having fun, so elect me and I promise to make Japan soc an amazing place to be.

Events we have now, like pub socials, movie nights, boat parties, and sushi-making are the core of the charm of Japan soc. These events we have once a week are amazing and everyone loves them so I will definitely keep them and uphold this tradition. 

Right now, we have around three types of events. Social meetups, events for activities, and cultural events. My plans are to do more events for all the categories with new and fresh ideas. Some new events I want to do if I become the event director are: 

1. Excursions as a society: we could have a picnic or hiking or we can go to a museum!
2. Book Club: Read and discuss Japanese literature together!!
3. Romantic opportunities to meet new people: goukon party (a tradition in Japanese universities, basically a group blind date)
4. Gotochi Gourmet Exhibition: bring your favourite Japanese foods and eat them together 

In addition, I want to make better the current events we have. In order to do this, I plan to introduce the following features.

1. Make the events more casual and low-key: easy to join and leave anytime through real-time updates on Instagram stories
2. Have events on other days of the week not only on Fridays
3. Hold pub socials at slightly larger pubs - especially when we are collabing with other unis.

Thank you!!