Election post


Hi, I'm Áine and I'm currently a first year ESPS student. I am running for the position of Treasurer for Irish and Northern Irish Society as I have enjoyed being part of this society in my first year at UCL and I want to be able to contribute to its incredible work over the next year, ensuring the smooth running of events from a financial point of view. As my mum is from Co. Tyrone and being an Irish dancer myself, I definitely feel a connection to the Irish and Northern Irish community that would make me an excellent member of the society's committee :) 

I believe that I am capable of managing the society's funds efficiently and ensuring that communication is maintained between committee members when events are organised. This obviously demands organisation, teamwork, and an attention to detail, and I believe that I can demonstrate all these skills.

Through my experience of the Irish and Northern Irish Society so far I know that there is an incredible Irish/Northern Irish community at UCL, and it would be an honour to represent the society as your Treasurer!

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