Election post


In this welcoming and diverse country, I firmly believe that we hold within us the essence of our home. Together, we have the power to forge a stronger and more vibrant society that not only upholds our rich culture but also extends its glory to all those around us.

I am seeking the position of Treasurer with the sincere aim of ensuring that our fellow Iranians feel a sense of belonging and connection, cultivating a space where everyone retains a piece of 'home.' Let us reunite all Iranians, working collaboratively to elevate our society. As Iranians, we have weathered difficult times, and now, it is our moment to stand together and uplift each other towards a better life.

The role of Treasurer provides me with a unique opportunity to serve my fellow compatriots, assuring them that they are not alone. I envision our society as a family, and I am dedicated to ensuring that our family is served with the respect and care it truly deserves. Together, let's create a stronger, more connected, and prosperous community.

Thank you for considering me to serve in this vital capacity. I am enthusiastic about the prospect of contributing to the flourishing tapestry of our Iranian family in the UK.

Warm regards,