Election post


I am standing for the position of Vice President of Client Relations, as I am driven by my interest in finance and my aspiration to build a career in Sales within an investment bank. I am keen continue the good work of the Investment Society and continue brokering relations with prospective clients. My academic journey in History, Politics, and Economics has not only provided me with a robust foundation in understanding global macro trends and political dynamics but has also honed my hard skills, enabling me to assess and interpret complex financial data effectively.

My passion for finance goes beyond academia; to participate in JP Morgan Insight Days, and work as an Investment Analyst in the Equities division for the UCL Investment Fund. JP Morgan offered me a glimpse into the real-world operations of a leading investment bank, from intricate financial modelling to the culture within an investment bank. Whilst my teams pitch on Airbus, which included a discounted cashflow model, excelled, eventually being sent to BNP Paribus for review. These experiences have  solidified my decision to pursue a career in Sales within the financial sector.

Moreover, I have a passion for building and nurturing relationships. My experiences have taught me that at the heart of successful client brokerer, lies the ability to foster strong, trust-based relationships with clients. This skill is something I enjoy and excel at, and I am eager to further develop with the UCL Investment Society. 

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