Election post


Hi guys! I’m Yashita, I study medicine and I am running for social secretary!

Indian soc events were a huge part of my first year and I want to apply for social sec to help plan those events that are now core memories in my fresher experience and create the same for members in the coming year!

I believe I have strong organisational and leadership skills, which I think are important in planning big events like Jashn and Dhamaal. At school, I planned and ran a whole-year ‘sport day’ for leavers. Whilst volunteering at my hockey club, I organised and ran tournaments for teams from the entire county. I therefore have experience dealing with the timing and organisation of events involving large numbers of people. 

I love talking to new people and as an friendly and extroverted person, I think I would help new members feel comfortable and welcomed at Indian society events, making me a great fit for social sec.

As a fresher, I was able to get to know people better at smaller events, so next year, as social sec, I want to endorse planning more small, casual events like board games nights as well as more events involving Indian soc families, where we can play team based games. I am part of RUMS badminton and we had loads of events like these throughout the year (as part of welfare), so I have some idea and experience of what kind of events we can run.

I’m really excited about next year’s committee and would love to get involved in a committee known for its incredible events! 

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