Election post


Hi everyone! I’m Lavdhi, I’m a first-year Medical student, and I’m hoping to apply for Treasurer!

As a member of Indian Dance Society, I’ve loved attending the weekly dance classes and workshops, where I’ve enjoyed everything from upbeat Bollywood choreography, to learning classical styles. I’ve also enjoyed getting involved in different dance performances like Rangeela, the Christmas Cultural Showcase, and Junoon; I had so much fun meeting new people, and improving my dancing skills!

I strongly believe I would be an excellent treasurer because of my experience in other leadership positions. As a first-year representative of Jain Society, I was deeply involved in the promotion of events and supported the committee in coming up with new ideas. Similarly, as badminton team captain at school, I organised the schedule for practice sessions, and honed my team-working skills. Likewise, as a school prefect, I coordinated with the finance team when organising funding for different events, which provided me with the basics of financial management.

As your treasurer, I would love to work closely with the rest of committee and other societies to organise some of our best events yet. I’m so excited to get involved with performances, workshops, classes, and all the other amazing opportunities this society can bring.

Thank you so much and I really hope you vote for me!

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