Election post


Finance is hard. Math is difficult and nobody likes Excel. These are all immovable facts of our universe which should lead you to only one singular and rational conclusion. You should just leave it to me. Speaking from experience, being a treasurer in a society is tedious work. As last year's treasurer for this society, I had to fill out numerous forms, applications, requests, emails and safety assessments. But it's not the difficulty that draws me to this position, university life hasn't made me that irrational yet. It's the belief that my work here will eventually lead to a positive change on our planet. Our society is a society of giving, our work has a tangible impact on the real world. We've already fed thousands of children with our donations and I think that we can do even more. As this academic year draws to a close and the next one begins I hope to further expand the scope of society and our contributions exponentially. This year was the year of planning and organisation, we've laid out plans for a diversification of fundraising activities, an initiation of local volunteering opportunities and the education of members about the issues that we choose to tackle. Next year will be our year of action. Inter-university galas, fundraising tournaments, stronger integration with other societies, local volunteering opportunities and more ways to learn about our community are all on the table. I stand for a year of action and I hope you will stand alongside me. 

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