Election post



Hey everyone!! I’m Stephanie, a second-year sociology student from Hong Kong, and I would love to be your president for the In Aid of UNICEF society next year :)

As your social secretary this year and having worked with UNICEF for 4 years in high school evidences my unwavering dedication to supporting children worldwide. I completely stand with UNICEF’s mission in ensuring children’s rights and providing support to reach their potential; and in these times of uncertainty, I believe we must amplify this message to our university and wider community.

As the chairman of my high school UNICEF society and having worked closely with the committee this year, I have gained valuable experience in successfully organizing events to ensure a seamless experience for the members and students involved. I have worked effectively with the team, and hope to continue providing fun but meaningful experiences through our fundraisers, talks and more!

If elected, I propose:

  • More intercollegiate events to connect with other UNICEF societies in London, not only connecting like-minded individuals but also making a larger difference
  • More fun fundraising events with more opportunities for members to volunteer and participate in
  • Continue to reach out to UNICEF to regain connection for support and helpful talks

Therefore, I believe I possess the skills needed to lead our society to continue creating a strong presence in our community and collectively promoting the welfare of children worldwide!

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