Election post


My name is Sophia Arjomand, I am a first year Creative Arts and Humanities student at UCL East and would like to nominate myself as Social Media Officer for the Human Rights Society. 

I am incredibly keen to gain a leadership position in this organisation and be involved with creative direction, hoping to evoke positive change. 

During my time at school I was part of various leadership teams among others in Model United Nations (MUN) and Plan International. Within Plan, an organisation that seeks to advance children's rights throughout the world, I was responsible for marketing which entailed social media management (creating posts that promoted the club, offering information on how to get involved, advertising upcoming events, etc.). Thus, I am familiar with curating meaningful and effective content. In addition to this, I took a gap year in 2023 and worked in an art gallery (Kestnergesellschaft in Hannover, Germany). One of my main responsibilities there was to create content for social media platforms including Instagram and Facebook. I created stories, posts, responded to messages, etc. I was organised and consistent and created weekly posting schedules. I enjoyed being creative with the content, trying to grasp users’ attention with innovative and informative graphics. 

I want to do some good in the world and help where I can! I believe that social media is a powerful tool in uniting individuals with similar goals to come together and take action. 


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