Election post


As your potential future treasurer, I wanted to start with an anecdote that goes back to my childhood summers spent in Menorca. Each year, I would pick a different item to sell, which would get me the coolest backpack for the return to school. These would range from bracelets to rocks, yes, rocks! Funny enough, the summer I sold these painted rocks, was the summer I earned the highest revenue. I made a total of around 300 euros as a 12-year-old girl! This was my first experience managing money. When I see a need, I find a way to fulfil it, so organising finances is something I’ve always found interesting. As an example of this, when my phone was stolen about a month ago, instead of going straight to get a new one, I borrowed a phone temporarily and I am slowly putting money aside to fund it soon in a comfortable manner, rather than throwing a lot of money into something without thinking! I equally plan on allocating the club’s money to make the most out of it. As students, we all understand it can be difficult to balance all these new and exciting opportunities with the cost-of-living crisis. Managing a budget reasonably is essential for our club, and to show my commitment to do so, I promise to offer termly reports to understand how the funds are being spent. I will maintain and increase our sponsorship from TP ICAP, in an attempt to optimise the cost of certain aspects such as our membership or the Hockey Ball ticket price. Don't hesitate to ask me anything anytime!