Election post


Hello ladies! No, Matthew Punt isn’t returning for a panic Masters, it’s just me (Isabel, for those of you yet to use my real name, or in fact learn to spell it). But having endured two full years of ‘fake Punt’ and ‘Punt 2.0’, surely that’s all the accreditation I need to run for Mixed Captain this year? Only kidding. But I do like to think I have a decent enough relationship with MHC to manage their various personalities, and work with them for another fantastic year of Mixed.

My second year at UCL has been the best yet, and one of the main reasons I feel that I’ve participated much more fully in the club this year has been Mixed. As the bloke from the Leyton sandwich shop will attest, I’ve played on Sundays pretty consistently this year, learning from the 1s and 2s on the pitch, and getting pinted with them afterwards. Having a fellow 3s player as Captain has been instrumental in widening participation this year, involving not just freshers, but also members of the 3s, to whom playing with higher-league players is often intimidating. I think it’s really important that we continue this, and as Cap I’d do my utmost to make sure the 3s and silly freshers in particular feel confident enough to get involved as I have done. Mixed has been so helpful in helping me integrate into the club this year in a way that I didn’t really have in my first year, so I’d be honoured to be your next Mixed Cap and continue Siena’s legacy! Can’t wait for another year of Leyton wholesomeness <3

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