Election post


Hi I’m Lauren, currently a second-year BA History of Art student from Hong Kong, and would love to have the opportunity to be next year’s History of Art Soc’s President.

As History of Art Soc President, I would like to take on this major responsibility to foster a vibrant community of art history enthusiasts alike; listening to all suggestions on how to shape the direction of the departmental society. 

Previously being History of Art Welfare Officer, I not only facilitated a safe and inclusive social space for members, but also pushed the boundaries of my role by coordinating various events like the Embroidery talk, Frans Hals Exhibition, and the upcoming Chinese Ceramics talk. I would like to continue these amazing events by creating more opportunities of social, academic, and networking events among esteemed art historians.

I also believe collaboration and engagement with other departments is significant in which we can experience an exchange of different ideas from various fields. Recognising some members’ interests in various art history topics that may extend to East Asia or Feminism, I value the importance of providing a global/inclusive art education and will help facilitate your interests as much as possible. 

I’m very excited to have the opportunity to extending my stay in the committee, to continue providing and promoting the interests of the History of Art Soc members. 

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