Election post


Hello everyone! I'm Sejal, a first-year BSc Economics student, running for the Presidency of UCL Hedge Fund Society. Recognizing the unfortunate dormancy of society over the past two years, I am committed to revitalizing and restoring it to its former glory. As a firm believer in the potential of UCL HFS, I understand the importance of a dynamic and thriving community for students like me interested in finance and investment. I am fully committed to investing time, energy, and resources necessary to see this vision through and restore society to its former position. Keeping it short, my plans are: -

1.Rebuilding Foundations: Conduct a comprehensive analysis, identifying key challenges in society's dormancy. Through open communication and collaboration, establish a solid foundation to rebuild.

2.Rebranding Campaign: Launch a comprehensive rebranding campaign for a fresh and modern society image.

3.Collaborative Partnerships: Seek partnerships with other student organizations, especially those in finance, business, and technology. Collaborative events and joint initiatives can expand society's reach and create a diverse, interdisciplinary community.

4.Continuous Event Series: Institute an enduring event schedule throughout the academic year to ensure a sustained level of member involvement, fostering a sense of community and commitment.

5.Alumni Outreach Program: Establish an alumni outreach program for mentorship, guest lectures, and job opportunities.

Thank you,

Sejal Jain

Preferred pronouns
She/ Her