Election post


Hi everyone! 

I’m Rachel and I'm seeking your vote to be your VP of Events! As VP of Events, I intend to work collaboratively with our Head of Events to realise their visions for the upcoming year, whilst working closely with members to ensure the variety of events reflect their diverse interests.

As such, I intend to:

  • Contribute new event ideas in frequent idea-generation meetings with the HoE & Event Executives
  • Organise even more social events to raise our profile within the student body (e.g. Charity Balls, Pop-Up game booth on main quad!) In doing so, we can increase our reach to students who have previously not considered finance as a career pathway
  • Capitalise on the large membership network across the societies within Guild by hosting inter-society events – thus providing members with an avenue to build stronger connections across societies
  • Coordinate across societies within Guild (e.g. timetabling to prevent event clashes) to enhance overall cohesiveness of Guild

I believe my keen passion for leading people of different backgrounds toward achieving a common goal enables me with the skillset demanded of this role. Previously, I spearheaded a tutoring programme for 35 underprivileged kids unfairly affected by COVID, managing a team of 20+ volunteer tutors. I also started a financial literacy programme for my secondary school. This demonstrates my ability to bridge gaps between various communities and I hope to further hone this skill as your VP of Events next year!

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