Election post


Hi Everyone!

I am Sushant Mishra, a 2nd year MSci Geology student and the current Social & Trip Secretary of the UCL Greenough Society.

Being closely involved in making decisions and organising events with the committee this year has given me great knowledge of how the society operates. I look forward to utilise this experience to make the society more engaging, welcoming and efficient by taking the following measures:

  1. Working closely with the committee to allow better communication with our members by sending out monthly newsletters (via email) to inform them about events and other important information.
  2. Increasing the funding we get from the Department of Earth Sciences to ensure that our members get greater discounts on large-scale events like the Annual Christmas Dinner, STEM Ball and Film Screenings at the Geological Society of London, in addition to other benefits which include free drinks and snacks in our small-scale events.
  3. Collaborating with other societies to organise Earth Science oriented activities like hikes to places of geological interest and student networking opportunities that allow members to get in touch with students outside the Department as well as UCL.
  4. Upholding the values of the UCL Greenough Society Constitution and the Department of Earth Sciences to safeguard our member’s rights.
  5. Receiving feedback from members to make recommendations to next year’s committee to further enhance the well-functioning of the society.
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