Election post


Hello everyone,

I am Serra Incekara, a second-year Environmental Geoscience student, and I am running for the Vice President position! 

 After my second year as the Green Business Forum Director in the GES, I have decided to continue developing this society. Helping with the forum’s organisation taught me outreach strategies, event budgeting, collaborations with other universities, and timeline management. I also had the pleasure to meet many entrepreneurs, with various backgrounds, who have all contributed to creating a greener future with their work. 

With my event organisation experience, I have the necessary network and skills to apply to and improve this society in the next year. Here are some of the ideas I would like to execute:

  • Focusing on gathering speakers from diverse professional backgrounds like ESG experts, environmental lawyers, CSOs, and start-up founders.
  • Hosting a bigger Green Business Forum with high-profile speakers to network with.
  • Sponsorships from brands or companies with big feats in sustainability.
  • Planning case-study sessions analysing other companies’ sustainability strategies.
  • Creating a mentorship scheme to help people with their applications to sustainability-focused roles (including summer internships and spring weeks).

These initiatives will provide members with networking opportunities and insight into the green economy sector. 

Thank you for your time :) I hope to organise the greatest events for you guys next year!

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