Election post


Hi everyone,

My name is David, and I'm thrilled to run as your treasurer! I'm eager to share why I’m not only competent in handling the treasurer’s responsibilities but also passionate about actively contributing to our collective and individual success and growth.

My Background:

  1. Experience in financial management through involvement with financial ministry and overseeing budget allocations for student organisations
  2. Practical insights gained from diverse internships in handling transactionstracking expenses, and ensuring financial accountability

I believe being treasurer should entail more than just managing numbers.

My plan:

  1. Collaboration: close work with the committee to set goals and foster a supportive community; contribute ideas, offer support, and engage in shaping our direction
  2. Events: while managing finances, I'll assist in planning engaging and informative events, from workshops to networking, ensuring they benefit all members
  3. Engagement: Beyond finances, I'll serve as a resource, providing adviceconnections, and support for our development

Confident in my ability to handle our financial responsibilities, I’m also deeply dedicated to being active and engaged in the committee, contributing to the overall success and vitality of our society and members.

With your support, I'm excited to embark on this journey together.
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions via: [email protected]

Thank you for your